Our Reading Vision Statement:
Reading is enjoyed and celebrated by all pupils and staff at Redlands. Children build the skills to read with confidence, fluency and understanding, they are encouraged to select and enjoy a wide range of quality books. A reading culture is evident throughout the school as part of our language rich environment. Children and staff speak with enthusiasm and knowledge about books, poetry, authors and reading, swapping ideas and recommendations.
Children make good progress and our aim is that all are learning well against national standards. Appropriate interventions are planned, based on accurate assessments, are planned and led by well qualified staff, to help those who struggle to read to enjoy reading, access texts and make accelerated progress in reading. Children who are new to English are helped to learn the basics quickly, through interventions led by an expert in EAL teaching. Staff confidently and effectively teach phonics in EYFS and KS1 and in KS2 where needed.
Quality picture books, novels, non-fiction texts and poetry as well as film clips are used throughout the school to teach reading skills such as response, prediction, inference and empathy. Books and story times have a high profile at Redlands and are shared at least daily. Immersion in texts, alongside explicit teaching ensure reading is shared as the route to vocabulary building and making meaning of what is read; challenging texts are welcomed by our children.
Follow this link to see the reading spines for each year group.
Redlands Library
Our library plays a central role in supporting children’s learning and development. It provides a bright, well-resourced environment with an extensive range of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry books to inspire and engage all readers.
Following a recent transformation, our library now features updated furniture and over 900 new books, made possible through the efforts of the Friends of Redlands, generous donations from the community, and contributions from authors and local businesses.
The library is a key learning space within the school, used for regular timetabled sessions where children borrow books, research history and geography topics, and develop their reading skills.
The relaunch of the library marks the beginning of Redlands Year of Reading, during which we will host a variety of events, including author visits and other activities aimed at promoting a love of reading across the school.
We are grateful to everyone who has contributed to this project, helping us to create a resource that will support and enrich the educational experience of our pupils for years to come.
Redlands Reading Strategy
Reading at Redlands - Long Term Plan by Year Group